one crafted by my favorite bartender Chelsey, a Chelsmo
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Monday sits like a smooth pearl
at the beginning of a new
section of the strand
followed by Tuesday with its pinkish tint
Wednesday is huskier and squarer
more sure of itself in the middle
Thursday matches Tuesday but in blue
Friday is the shiniest week day
Bristling with the promise of the weekend
Saturday is oblong and rectangular
boasting and brave and green
Sunday is the same shape but richly brown red
solemn but wise.
And then we are back to Monday
and the necklace of day gems goes on
I learned the days of the week
Go to St. Mary's school Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Then visit church on Friday
Make my confession
and say my rosary
The beads running through my fingers
from large and glossy
For Our Fathers
to small and meek for Hail Marys
Saturday, play all day
Sunday, sometimes go to church
or when Mom's tired
watch old movies or football on the black and white tv with Dad
The rosary beads were synonymous
with my day necklace
And I've worn it around my neck ever since
invisible to others
It helped me learn the days when I was small
and it is still what I see
when I look to what is ahead
by Ellen A. Wilkin