I'm a writer, traveler, nature-lover, science hound, feminist, singer, and creative. My background is in professional writing. I was a technical writer in the software industry for almost twenty years. For the last ten years I have been focusing on writing novels. I drafted seven of them thanks to the wonderful National Novel Writing Month competition every November and have been working on finishing a sf/time travel novel for the past few years.
I like to travel and explore, and that influences my writing as well as the rest of my life. I mostly like exploring Colorado and the West near where I live, but I also spent eight weeks traveling alone through Europe in 2011. Check out my Travel Blog to find out more about that. I am still typing up the journal I kept during that trip, so pieces of it should pop up here regularly. I also write about science from a personal point of view and talk about critical thinking and skepticism. I have always viewed clear writing as clear thinking, so both are equally important to me!
I started a poetry salon with my husband called the Poetry Jam. It is a private group that gathers once a month to share poetry and other spoken or sung word pieces. It is focused in Boulder County, Colorado. Membership is by invitation only, but If you live near by and want to check it out, contact me. We have published a book of poetry and prose called THE POETRY JAM SESSIONS.
Happy at Gold Lake Colorado 2009. Photo by David R. Wiley.